India Women are the focal point of agriculture. They are the charioteer of Indian farming and thus there is a paradigm shift in agriculture, commonly referred to as
“Feminization in agriculture”. Over the decades, participation and contribution of women to agriculture and allied sectors is noticeable, yet the resources and other
benefits are targeted to male farmers mostly. The extension programs are not gender responsive and hence they do not yield optimum outcomes.The challenge of “Doubling Farmer’s Income by 2022” cannot be a reality unless this vast proportion of the productive resources are ignored. Since involvement of women in different agricultural and allied activities are quite different from their men folk, it is imperative that their needs be addressed separately. The extension officers , male and female both, must be duly sensitized towards
gender issues of farm women , in agriculture and allied fields, so that they develop better understanding and be empathetic in dealing with them. This training program on “Gender in Agriculture Development” will enable the participants in acquiring the right knowledge and skill in dealing with women farmers, with a gender responsive perspective. Objectives The main objectives of the program are to:
• Sensitize participants with gender concepts and develop an understanding of the
various gender issues in agriculture and allied fields.
• Equip the participants in the use of gender analysis tools
• Address extension strategies/ approaches for mainstreaming gender in agriculture
and allied sectors.
• Impart knowledge on significance of women empowerment in agriculture
Gender Concepts and steriotype
Role of Women in Agriculture & Allied Sectors
Gender issues in Agriculture and Strategies for Mainstreaming
Tools for Gender Analysis in Agriculture
Gender Disaggregated Data
Occupational Health Hazards and Drudgery
Women Empowerment by rural entrepreneurship