
About Us

Welcome to Gramin Udyog Seva Kendra

Gramin Udyog Seva Kendra (GUSK) is emerging as a highly vibrant and dynamic sector of the Indian economy. Apart from the employment opportunities and entrepreneurship development, GUSK highly focuses on providing a business opportunity at comparatively lower capital cost than large industries. Our focus area is a rural & backward area, women and disabled for benefitting the large sector of people, reducing regional imbalances, assuring more equitable distribution of national income and wealth.

Swadeshi items are the proud legacy of our country also, for environment safety and sustainable development. The Gramin Udyog Seva Kendra comes under the Chamber of Business and Entrepreneur (Indian) (CBEIC). The Chamber of Business and Entrepreneur (INDIA)Council is popularly known for the premier body of business and industry in India. The Chamber of Business and Entrepreneur has highly spread its platforms to the corporate groups in the country, with business operations all over the country and abroad. Our membership is set up by a group of highly professional industrialists. 

For Implementing each sector from manufacturer to buyers, Garmin Udyog Seva Kendra provides a supporting pillar at each sector. For the manufacturer, there is Gramin Udyog Sahayak (GUS) who creates a single network at every village to guide the people throughout the business operation. For the buyers and seller Indotrademart.com is working as a facilitation provider. 

Indotrademart.com is a single such venture which connects the buyers and sellers from across India, who can interact with each other and conduct the business smoothly, securely, and effectively.

It provides a platform for development and promotion for the rural business community. One of the main motives of Indotrademart.com is to provide an online business model at a lower cost so every business community can easily reach across India. Now, www.indotrademart.Com is to reform the client services by bringing it digitally and at E-Marketplace. For customer support, it is providing financial assistance support with secure payment protection plans and collateral Free Loans.

  • Develop the rural business – business model.

  • Develop and promote the e-marketplace to the local business market.

  • Brings the product of the local business community across India.

  • One mile towards digitalization in rural areas.

Functions of a Gramin Udyog Seva Kendra (GUSK).

  • Connects the users at the portal.

  • Assist Users.

  • Employment generation for individuals

  • Enhancing Entrepreneurship

  • Developing a small Industries

  • Focusing on Made in India product.

  • Promoting the Indian market.

  • Providing a platform for Indotrademart.com.

  • Availing the loan sanction

  • Providing all the legal formalities

  • Formation of FPO/SHG/Etc

  • Assisting throughout the projects.

  • Women Entrepreneur

  • Connect manufacturers to Buyers.

  • Eco-Friendly

Our Philosophy

Gramin Udyog Seva Kendra (GUSK) aims to build the most important segment of our country, trying to reduce gaps between urban and rural sector development. Bringing the millions of entrepreneurs, innovative ideas and their skill at the national level. 

Our Principle

To provide the proper legal frame and certification is the main principle of the Gramin Udyog Seva Kendra (GUSK). Maintaining genuineness, transparency and easy accessibility to all our users, our main motive is to make a Gramin Udyog Seva Kendra accessible across India.

Key Of Success

Gramin Udyog Seva Kendra’s single network platform from manufacturer to buyers by linking everyone at a single network channel provides real success to us. Our vision is to have each village a entrepreneurship development program and bring all the entrepreneurs of villages at a national level.

Our Vision & Mission:

A small-scale sector is the backbone of the Indian economy. Gramin Udyog Seva represents the primary sector, rural area, and other common people working. Gramin Udyog Seva Kendra’s foremost focus is for the rural sector of people, as they are a more vulnerable part of our country. Gramin Udyog Seva Kendra apart from a generation of employment works for personality development tasks. 

Talking about the Indian market there are numerous amounts of product requirements in the Indian market. Set-up of small-scale industries initially required very low capital or with less investment. Once the business person reaches a certain level Gramin Udyog Seva Kendra provides a good opportunity to wide-spread the business at a larger scale with the availability of a loan facility.

Gramin Udyog Seva Kendra (GUSK) is one of the social venture platforms under the Chamber of Business and Entrepreneur (India) Council (CBEIC).
Gramin Udyog Seva Kendra is a single-window network for a small level entrepreneur in the rural area to deliver the best services, focus to enhance the entrepreneurship at a local level, employment generation, women empowerment, manufacturer of local products, booming the Indian market with a local product, single-channel from manufacturer to buyer for the person residing in any part of India.

Medium and Small-scale sectors are the Back Bone of Indian economy. Gramin Udyog Seva Kendra to make representations for the primary sector, rural area and other common people working. Gramin Udyog Seva Kendra foremost focus is for the rural sector of people, as they are more vulnerable part of our country. Gramin Udyog Seva Kendra apart from generation of employment works for personality development tasks

One of the main motives of Gramin Udyog Seva Kendra to empower the neediest peoples of the society. Gramin Udyog Seva is mainly for the rural people, anyone, women, men, youth and disabled person of the the villages who are residing in rural area are benefited from this. There is no special specification is required or even a skilled or unskilled people can be part of this.

• Transforming the un-skilled person to the skilled person.
• To Disseminate relevant and useful information about entrepreneurship across India.
• Regular networking and common events among Gramin Udyog Seva Kendra people.
• To promote a Responsible Business environment and to promote ethical business practices.
• Utilizing manpower through skill development and career development opportunity.
• Women entrepreneur.