An entrepreneurship development scheme is currently being developed by Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship. The scheme will being designed around the following major elements:
Educate and equip potential and early stage entrepreneurs across India:
In partnership with experts, a world class entrepreneurship education curriculum will be developed. This curriculum will be delivered to all aspiring entrepreneurs at no cost. Leveraging online learning, entrepreneurship courses can be taken as and when needed by students and business people alike through Massively Open Online Courses (MOOCs).
In addition, entrepreneurship education will be integrated into the mainstream curriculum in 3,000 colleges around India. Entrepreneurship education courses will also be delivered in approximately 325 industrial clusters across the nation. Through 50 nodal Entrepreneurship Hubs (E-Hubs) set up across all states, existing and potential entrepreneurs will be targeted for entrepreneurship education modules that suit their need.
Connect entrepreneurs to peers, mentors, incubators:
To support young entrepreneurs, a web and mobile based platform connecting the entire entrepreneurial ecosystem will be established. Platform members will access content online, including information on government services and special packages offered by service providers.
The creation of new incubators will be encouraged and a national network of incubators and accelerators established to support young entrepreneurs. A national network of high quality, screened mentors will also be created, leveraging existing networks and successful local entrepreneurs where possible.
Entrepreneurship activities in innovative and cutting edge technology areas will be aligned with initiatives such as Atal Innovation Mission (AIM) and Self Employment Talent Utilisation (SETU).
Support entrepreneurs through Entrepreneurship Hubs (E-Hubs):
Support to entrepreneurs, including coordinated delivery of national and state government entrepreneurship programs and access to enabling resources, a national network of Entrepreneurship Hubs (E-Hubs) will be established. One national, 30 state, 50 Nodal and 3,000 college based E-Hubs will be set up to deliver support. These E-Hubs will, collectively, cover the entire nation.
Catalyse a culture shift to encourage entrepreneurship:
To promote entrepreneurship, state and national level interactions with stakeholders will be convened. International linkages will be established through internship opportunities and exchange trips to global entrepreneurship hubs such as Silicon Valley and Israel. To build awareness, national brand ambassadors will be created to champion entrepreneurial culture in India. Awards will be instituted for young achievers and a National Entrepreneurship Day will be celebrated.
Encourage entrepreneurship among underrepresented groups:
Special focus will be given to the inclusion of scheduled castes & scheduled tribes, minorities, differently abled, etc., and regionally under-represented areas including large part of Eastern and North Eastern India in entrepreneurship programs. Special efforts will also be made to enrol incubators and mentors catering to these groups will in the national entrepreneurial ecosystem.
Promote Entrepreneurship amongst Women:
Focus will also be placed on encouraging women entrepreneurs through appropriate incentives for women owned businesses under the public procurement process. It will also be ensured that gender neutral incubation/ accelerator, network of mentors, industry, resource centres and credit institutes are developed to facilitate Women Entrepreneurs. Priority will be given for mentorship and support system for women entrepreneurs in existing business centres and incubators. Steps will also be taken to assemble gender disaggregated data.
Foster social entrepreneurship and grassroots innovations:
Universities and academic institutions will be encouraged to launch a course on ‘Social Entrepreneurship’, including through online distance education, to actively promote social entrepreneurship in the country. Additional support, including through fiscal incentives and incubation, will also be considered.
To foster grass-roots innovation, a focus on innovations in hubs, collaborations with organisations such as the National Innovation Foundation and promotion of Intellectual Property Rights will also be encouraged.