
Employment Generation

India is a hub of labor class people and due to COVID-19 this large group of people has been migrated to their home place. Gramin Udyog Seva Kendra improves the growth of the country by increasing employment in a rural area.

Rural Entrepreneur Development

Indian entrepreneurship is not as common as in other countries. Mainly when talking about the rural area most of the peoples are highly dependent on farming only.

Small Scale Industries Development

As the Gramin Udyog Seva Kendra is providing a platform for individuals and for the group of people. This business owner can start their business from a very small unit even from there home or can set up a unit location near by their home.

Promoting Made in India Products

Our Prime Minister’s vision of Local for Vocal is going to succeed through Gramin Udyog Seva Kendra at a very large scale. Gramin Udyog Seva Kendra helps provide a platform to produce finished goods either for consumption or used in processing industries.

Development of Indian Rural Market

There is a high level of Import duty involved when any product is imported from any other countries. Gramin Udyog Seva Kendra promotes the small-scale manufacturing industries and cottage industries which play a very important role in the economic development of India.

Assistance of Finance/Micro Finance

When members of the Gramin Udyog Seva Kendra want to spread their manufacturing units and are willing for the fund then there is also the option for loan sanctioning. Gramin Udyog Seva Kendra assists in providing a loan under the government running or upcoming scheme.

Legal Assistance in Rural Areas

Gramin Udyog Seva Kendra provides a separate legal entity. This legal entity provides complete paperwork.

Promoting Government Schemes

Gramin Udyog Seva Kendra provides a platform for forming some social, agricultural, primary activities and related organizations which directly benefits the common-person such as a Self-help group and Farmer producer organization.

Project Assistance for Any Unit

Gramin Udyog Seva Kendra always acts as a backbone or supporting pillar for everyone. From the time of registration to the time of completion Gramin Udyog Seva Kendra always provides guiding information.